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BS Artificial Intelligence

Programs Offered BS Artificial Intelligence
Program Educational Objectives For BS Artificial Intelligence

    The program educational objectives of BS AI are to produce graduates who will:

  1. Have profound knowledge and proficiency in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Computing Sciences, and modern technological tools.
  2. Be employable as a practicing professional in analysis, design, and application-specific systems for solving real-world and complex problems based on modern AI technologies.
  3. Contribute to the country's socio-economic development by giving research-based innovative solutions for sustainable development.
  4. Communicate effectively, ethically, demonstrate leadership, and work collaboratively in diverse teams/organizations.

Career Opportunities:
Your career prospects will be excellent: You can pursue roles such as Machine Learning Engineer, Data Scientist, NLP Specialist, Robotics Engineer, or AI Product Manager.

Award of Degree:
For the award of BS (AI) degree, a student must have:

  • Passed courses totaling at least 130 Credit Hrs, including all those courses which have been specified as Core courses.
  • Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00
  • Candidates who have passed the Intermediate/HSSC or equivalent examination and have obtained at least 60% unadjusted marks.
  • Should have EITHER
    • Studied Mathematics at the HSSC or equivalent level.
    • OR

    • Pre-Medical Students have to Pass HSSC level Pre-Mathematics courses offered at UEAS in the first year (First two Semesters)

Selection Criteria:

  • 50% weight to marks obtained in Admission Test AND
  • 10% weight to the higher percentage score of SSC (or an equivalent exam) AND
  • 40% weight to the higher percentage score of HSSC (or an equivalent exam)

Weightage of HSSC marks shall be calculated based on (whichever is applicable) at the time of compilation of merit list:

  • HSSC part I and II OR
  • HSSC part I if HSSC part II not available OR
  • IBCC equivalence of A-level OR
  • IBCC equivalence of O-level
Tentative Study Plan
Semester I
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 2-1
2 Programming Fundamentals 3-1
3 Discrete Structures 3-0
4 Calculus & Analytic Geometry 3-0
5 English Composition & Comprehension 3-0
6 *Mathematics I (For Pre-Medical Students) 3
Cr. Hrs. 16
* This is non-credit Foundation/Deficiency course (pre-medical students)
Semester II
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Object Oriented Programming 3-1
2 Database Systems 3-1
3 Digital Logic Design 2-1
4 Multivariable Calculus 3-0
5 Linear Algebra 3-0
6 *Mathematics II (For Pre-Medical Students) 3
Cr. Hrs. 17
* This is non-credit Foundation/Deficiency course (pre-medical students)
Semester III
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Operating Systems 2-1
2 Domain Core 3 (ANN & DL) 2-1
3 Domain Core 4 (Knowledge Rep. & Reasoning) 3-0
4 Domain Elective 1 2-1
5 Domain Elective 2 3-0
6 Introduction to Management 2-0
Cr. Hrs. 17
Semester V
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Domain Core 5 (Computer Vision) 3-0
2 Domain Core 6 (Parallel & Distributed Computing) 3-0
3 Domain Elective 3 3-0
4 Domain Elective 4 3-0
5 Domain Elective 4 2-0
6 Entrepreneurship 2-0
Cr. Hr. 17
Semester V
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Data Structures 3-1
2 Information Security 3-0
3 Artificial Intelligence 2-1
4 Computer Networks 2-1
5 Software Engineering 3-0
6 Probability & Statistics 3-0
Cr. Hrs. 19
Semester VI
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Computer Organization & Assembly Language 2-1
2 Domain Core 1 (Programming for AI) 2-1
3 Domain Core 1 (Machine Learning) 2-1
4 Natural Science (Applied Physics) 2-1
5 Expository Writing 3-0
6 Islamic Studies 2-0
Cr. Hr. 17
Semester VII
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Final Year Project - I 0-2
2 Analysis of Algorithms 3-0
3 Domain Elective 6 3-0
4 Domain Elective-7 3-0
5 Technical & Business Writing 3-0
Cr. Hr. 14
Semester VIII
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Final Year Project - II 0-4
2 Pakistan Studies 2-0
3 Civics and Community Engagement 2-0
4 Arts & Humanities (Professional Ethics) 2-0
5 Social Science (Introduction to Marketing) 3-0
Cr. Hr. 13
Courses and Distribution for BS AI
Distribution of Courses
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Computing Core 46
2 Domain Core 18
3 Domain Electives 21
4 Mathematics and Supporting Courses 12
5 Elective Supporting Courses 3
6 General Education Requirements 30
7 Foundation/Deficiency Courses 6
Total 130
Domain Core (18/130) 6 Courses
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Programming for AI 3 (2-3)
2 Machine Learning 3 (2-3)
3 Artificial Neural Networks & Deep Learning 3 (2-3)
4 Knowledge Representation & Reasoning 3 (3-0)
5 Computer Vision 3 (3-0)
6 Parallel & Distributed Computing 3 (2-3)
Computing Core (46/130) 14 Courses
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Programming Fundamentals 4 (3-3) 2 Object Oriented Programming 4 (3-3)
3 Database Systems 4 (3-3) 4 Digital Logic Design 3 (2-3)
5 Data Structures 4 (3-3) 6 Information Security 3 (3-0)
7 Artificial Intelligence 3 (2-3) 8 Computer Networks 3 (2-3)
9 Software Engineering 3 (3-0) 10 Computer Organization & Assembly Language 3 (2-3)
11 Operating Systems 3 (2-3) 12 Analysis of Algorithms 3 (3-0)
13 Final Year Project - I 2 (0-6) 14 Final Year Project - II 4 (0-12)
Domain Elective (21/130) 7 Courses
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Domain Elective 1 (Digital Image Processing) 3 (2-3)
2 Domain Elective 2 (Theory for Automata) 3 (3-0)
3 Domain Elective 3 (Pattern Classification and Recognition) 3 (3-0)
4 Domain Elective 4 (Speech Processing) 3 (3-0)
5 Domain Elective 5 (Data Mining) 3 (3-0)
6 Domain Elective 6 (Natural Language Processing) 3 (3-0)
7 Domain Elective 7 (Internet of Things) 3 (3-0)
Mathematics & Supporting Courses (12/130) 5 Courses
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Multivariable Calculus 3 (3-0)
2 Linear Algebra 3 (3-0)
3 Probability & Statistics 3 (3-0)
4 Calculus & Analytic Geometry 3 (3-0)
5 Technical & Business Writing 3 (3-0)
General Education Requirement as per HEC UG Education Policy (30/130) 12 Courses
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Application of Information & Communication Technologies 3 (2-3) 2 English Composition & Comprehension 3 (3-0)
3 Expository Writing 3 (3-0) 4 Quantitative Reasoning – 1 (Discrete Structures) 3 (3-0)
5 Quantitative Reasoning – 2 (Calculus and Analytic Geometry) 3 (3-0) 6 Islamic Studies 2 (2-0)
7 Pakistan Studies 2 (2-0) 8 Social Sciences (Introduction to Management) 2 (2-0)
9 Natural Sciences (Applied Physics) 3 (2-3) 10 Arts & Humanities (Professional Ethics) 2 (2-0)
11 Civics and Community Engagement 2 (2-0) 12 Entrepreneurship 2 (2-0)
Elective Supporting Courses (3/130) 2 Courses
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Social Science (Example: Introduction to Marketing) 3 (3-0)
2 Social Science (Example: Financial Accounting) 3 (3-0)

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