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BSc Computer Systems Engineering*

Programs Offered BSc Computer Systems Engineering*
Program Educational Objectives For BSc Computer Systems Engineering

    The program educational objectives of BSc Computer Systems Engineering are to produce graduates who will:

  1. Profound knowledge and proficiency in the field of computer systems engineering and modern technological tools.
  2. Communicate effectively, ethically, demonstrate leadership, and work collaboratively in diverse teams/organizations.
  3. Contribute to the country's socio-economic development by giving research-based innovative solutions for sustainable development.
  4. Be employed as practicing engineers in analysis, design, and application-specific computing systems for solving real-world and complex problems.

Career Opportunities:
Your career prospects will be excellent: You can pursue roles such as Systems Architect, Network Engineer, Embedded Systems Developer, Cloud Solutions Engineer, or IT Consultant.

Award of Degree:
For the award of BS (Computer Systems Engineering) degree, a student must have:

  • Passed courses totaling at least 130 Credit Hrs, including all those courses which have been specified as Core courses.
  • Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00

    Candidates applying for admission to B.Sc Computer Systems Engineering must meet the following conditions:

  • They must have appeared in the Entrance Test conducted by an authorized Testing and Evaluation Agency. The Entrance test is valid for one academic year only. Foreign/International students are required to pass the entry/aptitude test conducted by the university.
  • They must have appeared in the Entrance Test conducted by an authorized Testing and Evaluation Agency. The Entrance test is valid for one academic year only. Foreign/International students are required to pass the entry/aptitude test conducted by the university.
    • Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) certificate in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry from a recognised Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Pakistan with at least 60% unadjusted marks.
    • Intermediate certificate in Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science from a recognized Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education in Pakistan with at least 60% unadjusted marks.
    • An equivalent certificate to the Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) examination with at least 60% unadjusted marks. Such candidates shall have to produce the “Equivalence or Marks Conversion Certificate” issued by the Inter Board Committee of Chairmen, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Education, Islamabad, along with the application form. Pakistani Nationals are further required to have qualified subjects of Islamiat, Pakistan Studies and Urdu at either SSC or Intermediate levels

Selection Criteria:

  • 10% weightage to SSC Examination AND
  • 40% weightage to Intermediate or equivalent examination AND
  • 50% weightage to the entrance test
  • In case of a tie in any merit position for admission, the marks obtained in the Intermediate/ equivalent examination override. In case of a further tie, the age of the applicants shall be the criteria and the older candidate shall get preference.

Weightage of HSSC marks shall be calculated based on (whichever is applicable) at the time of compilation of merit list:

  • HSSC part I and II OR
  • HSSC part I if HSSC part II not available OR
  • IBCC equivalence of A-level OR
  • IBCC equivalence of O-level
Semester I
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 2-1
2 Islamic Studies and Ethics 2-0
3 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3-0
4 Functional English 2-0
5 Engineering Workshop 0-1
6 Applied Physics 2-1
7 Occupational Health and Safety 1-0
Cr. Hrs. 15
Semester II
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Linear Algebra 2-0
2 Computer Programming 3-1
3 Circuit Analysis 3-1
4 Communication Skills 2-0
5 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3-1
6 Pakistan Studies and Global Perspective 2-0
Cr. Hrs. 18
Semester III
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Technical Writing 3-0
2 Complex Variables and Transforms 3-0
3 Digital Logic Design 3-1
4 Object Oriented Programming 3-1
5 Discrete Structures 3-0
Cr. Hrs. 17
Semester IV
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Microprocessors and Interfacing 3-1
2 Digital Signal Processing 3-1
3 Computer Communication Networks 3-1
4 Operating Systems 3-1
5 Engineering Economics (Social Science-II) 2-0
Cr. Hrs. 18
Semester V
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Microprocessors and Interfacing 3-1
2 Digital Signal Processing 3-1
3 Computer Communication Networks 3-1
4 Operating Systems 3-1
5 Engineering Economics (Social Science-II) 2-0
Cr. Hrs. 18
Semester VI
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Database Management System 3-1
2 Software Engineering 3-0
3 Probability and Statistics 3-0
4 Digital Image Processing (CEDE) 3-1
5 Artificial Intelligence (CEDE) 3-0
Cr. Hrs. 18
Semester VII
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Digital System Design 3-1
2 Introduction to Block Chain Technology (MDEE) 3-0
3 Entrepreneurship (Elective – I) 2-0
4 Machine Learning (CEDE) 3-1
5 Senior Design Project -1 (FYP) 0-3
Cr. Hrs. 16
Semester VIII
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Digital System Design 3-1
2 Introduction to Block Chain Technology (MDEE) 3-0
3 Entrepreneurship (Elective – I) 2-0
4 Machine Learning (CEDE) 3-1
5 Senior Design Project -1 (FYP) 0-3
Cr. Hrs. 16
Computer Engineering Depth Electives (CEDE)
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Cloud and Distributed Computing 3-0 2 Artificial Intelligence (AI) 3-0
3 Machine Learning (ML) 3-1 4 Digital Image Processing and Analysis (DIPA) 3-1
5 Deep Learning (DL) 3-0 6 Cyber Security (CS) 3-0
7 Advance Computer Network (ACN) 3-0 8 Machine Learning in Cyber Security (MLCS) 3-0
9 Control Engineering 3-0
Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Electives
S.No Course Title Credit Hrs S.No Course Title Credit Hrs
1 Block Chain Technologies and Applications (BCTA) 3-0 2 Mobile Application/Game Development (AD) 0-1
3 Biomedical Engg 3-0 4 Bio Informatics 3-0
Special Topics in BS Computer Systems Engineering: (CEDE)
S.No Course Title S.No Course Title
1 Computational Science and Engineering 2 Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining
3 Security and Cryptography 4 Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
5 Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 6 Computer Vision
7 Algorithms and Complexity
Elective Courses
S.No Course Title S.No Course Title
1 Advanced Distributed Computing 2 Deep Learning
3 Information Visualization 4 Advanced Database Concepts
5 Distributed Databases 6 Data Mining
7 Parallel Computing 8 Cloud Computing
9 Scientific Computing 10 Parallel and Distributed Simulation
11 Advanced Image Processing 12 Applied Artificial Intelligence
13 Social Web Mining 14 Pattern Recognition
15 Bio Medical Image Analysis 16 Advanced Digital Image Processing
17 Decision Support Systems 18 Advanced Embedded Systems
19 Digital Signal Processing & Applications 20 Advanced Distributed Systems
21 Real Time Computer Systems 22 Advanced Microprocessor Systems
23 Design of Real Time Embedded Systems 24 Mobile Cellular Systems and Standards
25 Wireless Networks 26 Wireless and Mobile Communications
27 Advanced Network Security 28 Network Administration & Management
29 Advanced Optical Fiber Networks 30 Advanced Digital Communications
31 Mobile/Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 32 Advanced Engineering Mathematics
33 Advanced Cryptography 34 Cloud Computing

* HEC Approved. (View HEC NOC)

* Awaiting PEC Approval

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